10 more quick growth tips for small business owners

Help grow your business through collaboration, expansion, improved marketing and some of the following quick tips. 1.  Improve your customer service Businesses with good customer service retain consumers and attract new business through word-of-mouth. Even if you think you’re already providing good service, make it a priority to provide refresher training to frontline staff at least once a year. Alternatively, hold regular meetings to discuss any issues as they arise.…  Read more

Choosing your business name

One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make in business is your choice of business name. A good name can create the perception of integrity, professionalism, or value-for-money. It could be your business’s biggest asset. A poorly chosen name can discourage potential customers by making your business appear farcical, or even offensive. What’s in a name If you haven’t thought of any names yet or the names you’ve come…  Read more

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